Based in the Riverina, New South Wales, we produce premium, pond-grown Murray cod. Our pioneering people have crafted a premium product by improving on nature. We have shaped a future for Australia’s native fish, which has an extraordinary history.
Our name, Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod, is derived from the word “Akuna” – an Australian aboriginal word meaning “the way forward” and “flowing water”. We have used the letter ‘q’, as it provides synergy with aquaculture and represents our dedication to innovation.
We grow high-quality Murray cod in open ponds (or dams) on the Murray-Darling Basin river system – the fish’s native environment. We believe these ideal conditions make our cod the best-tasting on the market; better than fish farmed in indoor, tank-based systems.
With a commercial fishing ban on wild Murray cod, and an increasing appetite for the iconic fish, Aquna has responded by developing a versatile ingredient that gives chefs new and flexible ways of including white-fleshed Murray cod on the menu.
By using a land-based aquaculture model, Aquna has one of the lowest environmental footprints in the industry. On 30 March 2011, Aquna, which trades as Murray Cod Australia Limited, was publicly listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (MCA:ASX).
Our vision is to make sustainably-farmed Murray cod the fine-dining fish of choice in Australasia and around the globe.
At Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod, we apply science-based innovation and sustainable farming practices to food production. It helps us make a positive impact on people’s plates — and the planet!
Our goal is to be at the forefront of sustainable farming globally for the aquaculture industry.
Here are the areas where we’re continually improving:
Feeding our fish sustainably
We’re working towards improving the sustainability of our feeds by reducing marine products and assessing novel ingredients, all while optimising fish growth and health. Our ultimate goal is to grow fish using the least amount of feed to produce the max amount of protein. We don’t use antibiotics in our grow-out systems and no hormones are used at any stage during Murray cod production.
Managing our organic waste
There are a number of ways Aquna manages organic waste. Water usage and quality is monitored closely. Research and development of by-products is a priority that aligns with our whole-fish philosophy to minimise waste. We work with local companies to ensure no organic waste from our processing facility is sent to landfill.
Efficient water usage
The way we have designed water infrastructure on our farms is one of our most celebrated sustainability achievements. We use water to fill our ponds and occasionally to top up or exchange freshwater to maintain a quality growing environment for our fish. Our farms are designed so we can reuse the nutrient-rich water from this exchange on crops and pastures.